When you are in an automobile accident, you are suddenly faced with many issues all at once. Who will pay to fix your car, can you get a car rental, what if you are hurt and cannot work, and what if the other driver has no auto insurance?
I have over 19 years of experience representing clients with their automobile accident claims. I will answer all of your questions immediately.
I will personally handle your case from start to finish. You will never be dealing with an assistant or secretary. I will guide you through the entire legal process and get you the full compensation that you deserve!
Do not waste valuable time trying to deal with the insurance company on your own, even if it is your own company. Remember, the goal of any insurance company, whether it be your own or that of the at fault party, is to make money by NOT paying out claims.
Call me directly at (401) 946-0101 for your FREE CONSULTATION. I will make sure that you get compensated for all of your medical bills, car damages, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
If you are unable to meet me at my office, I will meet you at your home, hospital room, or wherever is convenient for you. If you need an evening or weekend appointment, I will accommodate you.
There is no fee unless I am successful in recovering money on your behalf. So, call my office today at (401) 946-0101 or email me at robynsisti@gmail.com.