If you are buying a home, selling a home, need a purchase & sales agreement drafted or reviewed, are considering a short sale, loan modification, are facing foreclosure, need a deed prepared, or need help with the mortgage process, contact me directly at (401) 946-0101. For over 19 years, I have handled all types of real estate matters in Rhode Island; since 2000, I have handled real estate matters in Massachusetts.

I will represent your interests and will work for you. Many times, a realtor will refer you to someone that works for them, but in any real estate transaction, you want and need someone who works for YOU. Real estate transactions typically involve thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars, so you want an attorney who represents your interests. I will provide you with the personal and professional service that you need and deserve. Contact me directly at (401) 946-0101 or by email at robynsisti@gmail.com.

real estate

If you have questions on financing your home purchase or refinancing your existing home loan, please contact Jim Devine at jdevine@fnfgroup.com. Jim has over 15 years in the mortgage business and can assist you with all of your mortgage financing needs.

You can reach Jim directly by emailing him jdevine@fnfgroup.com, or by calling his Cell (401) 829-2282, or his office (401) 762-8140 Ext. 205, or Toll Free (800) 737-1366 Ext 205. Jim’s office is conveniently located at 980 Eddy Dowling Highway, in North Smithfield Rhode Island, 02896. Jim is available to meet with you at your convenience, day or evening, Monday through Sunday.

Jim can assist you with a loan in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and/or Connecticut. Email Jim today @ jdevine@fnfgroup.com for your FREE QUOTE!! There is never an application fee!!